Eight weeks of pouring into yourself so you can pour more into your projects and passions. Experience the magic of filling up your cup via guided group coaching experiences, community and co-working.


Cheers to a season of extra support!

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Whether you’re a creative, coach, busy parent or caregiver you know the importance of carving out time for you so that you can show up feeling your best. So that you can pour from an overflowing cup rather than giving your last drop, just to find your cup has gone bone dry…again.

Carving out time for you isn’t always the easiest thing to do with how many other responsibilities are on your plate right now.

You dream of having the time to do that thing you can’t stop thinking about. You dream of being surrounded by understanding people who get it. Who get you.

That’s why I’ve created Full Cup Club, for busy + creative folks just like you who hold space for everyone and everything else but need some extra time (and accountability) in their calendar to hold their commitments to themselves. This is your space to experience the magic of being on the other side of holding deep space.

Ready to connect with a group of like-minded people and cheer each other on while showing yourself that you can commit, and you can carve out the time?

Weekly Gatherings


Tues April 4 @ 7-8:30pm EST — Opening Ceremony - Intros, Intentions & Designing Your Full Cup Routines & Rituals

🍅 Fri April 7 @ 10am-12:00pm EST — Full Cup Coffee Co-working Session


Tues April 11 @ 7-8:30pm EST — Community Mastermind: Making The Time & Holding Boundaries


Tues April 18 @ 7-8:30pm EST — Live Guided Group Hypnosis

🍅 Thur April 20 @ 7-9pm EST — Full Cup Coffee Co-working Session


Tues April 25 @ 7-8:30pm EST — Hot Cup Coaching


Tues May 2 @ 7-8:30pm EST — End Of Month Review & Future Timeline Exploration

🍅 Fri May 5th @ 10am-12:00pm EST — Full Cup Coffee Co-working Session


Tues May 9 @ 7-8:30pm EST — Community Mastermind: Inviting Intuition, Play, and Childlike Curiosity


Tues May 16 @ 7-8:30pm EST — Live Guided Group Hypnosis

🍅 Thur May 18 @ 7-9pm EST — Full Cup Coffee Co-working Session


Tues May 23 @ 7-8:30pm EST — Closing Ceremony - Reflections & Integration

<aside> 🎐 Opening + Closing Ceremonies — Setting the stage for our two months together gives us an opportunity to not only co-exist and co-work next to one another virtually, but to create community. We will both energetically open and close our space + time together with the first and last call.


<aside> ☕ Hot Cup Coaching — Similar to Hot Seat Coaching, this is an invitation for a couple of volunteers (one at a time) to be coached in front of the group on one particular decision/problem. When we focus in during this style of group coaching we are invited to think about how the situation can relate to our own life, becoming an awesome opportunity for self-coaching and reflection.


<aside> 🍅 Full Cup Co-working Sessions — In these two hour co-working sessions we use the Pomodoro Technique to help you create more space and time for creative work, passion projects, or things that have fallen into your procrastination pile. Hello external accountability!


<aside> 🧠 Community Masterminds — Experience the magic of bringing our minds together to discuss and discover expanded ways of thinking. During our Community Masterminds we will begin with topics that relate to full-cup-ness and a couple of prompt questions. Then, we open up the floor for conversation, brainstorming and problem solving.


<aside> 🌀 Guided Group Hypnosis — Sink into receiving mode as Jenna leads you on a relaxing journey. Topics for the hypnosis calls will be decided based on group needs and will be pre-written in collaboration with potent and reoccurring themes & metaphors. Hypnosis calls will become recorded tracks set to music you can revisit as desired for ongoing support.


<aside> 📒 End Of Month Reviews + Timeline Exploration — **** Inspired by the Dear Self With Love 2023 Planner, we will take some time to review the month with guided prompts. We’ll have time to share our reflections and do some timeline exploration so you can connect with future you.


Virtual Cheer Space

Connect with your club members and keep the motivation going in our private Discord thread!

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Meet Your Coach

Hey, I’m Jenna!

I’ll be your identity and empowerment coach for this full-filling journey ahead (lol, sorry had to). I’m also a multi-disciplinary artist, barista and proud member of the queer community who is passionate about self-care and mental wellness.

I guide creatives, change-makers, and space-holders to connect with their subconscious mind so they can rediscover their inner wealth of knowledge and move from a place of unshakeable self-trust. I’m obsessed with encouraging people to fill their own cups (literally!) so that they can keep being their incredible selves in this busy world. With over seven years of preventative self-care advocacy, I hold potent space for my clients to expand into their sense of self-worth by living proactive vs reactionary lives.

My unwavering belief in the people I serve (you!!) paired with powerful modalities [ex: neuro linguistic programming, subconscious timeline exercises, Eriksonian hypnosis, Scent Stating, Akashic Records and more] create changes that feel close to magic 🪄

I’m so excited to hold this deep space for you ❤️

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Join The Club!

Enrollment is closed for the Spring Season!