Experience 12 weeks of deeply held one-on-one space. Experiment, explore and embody all of the parts of you that have been waiting to be expressed as you re-discover your sense of self for this current season of life.


~ 3 months of self-discovery, transformation and integration

~ weekly coaching calls via zoom, with option to have them recorded + sent to you each week

~ private telegram thread for continued support, accountability, giphy sharing and emoji celebrations between calls

~ printable workbook designed by jenna to guide your journey

✏️ Let’s begin with a little game of multiple choice …

Which one best describes where you’re at right now?

<aside> 📌 A - Digital Dreamer — Your Pinterest boards are filling up with ways you want to express yourself in 2023. A new cut, hobbies you’ve always had on your wish-list, spicier recipes and that bold piece of art you wish you were brave enough to hang above your couch. Change is in the air and you’re digitally flipping over the tables of self-expression - dragging and dropping all you’d like to embrace IRL. It’s just that nothing has manifested physically…yet.


<aside> 👋 B - Ready To Say So-Long To People Pleaser-Ville — You’ve done it again, my fellow people-pleaser. You’ve filled your only off day this week with plans to help someone else out. Because honestly sadly, sometimes not having open time in the calendar is easier. The pressure of knowing what to do with time to yourself, to just exist, is too much. It’s become a strategy to bury yourself in other people’s stuff, schedules and chaos. You know this strategy is no longer serving you and you’re ready to pack up your bags and hit the road straight outta’ people pleaser-ville. But this lifetime pattern has been there for so long that it’s grown roots…and it’s going to take some more excavating to unearth this bad boy than you imagined.


<aside> 🔥 C - ‘Bout To Break This Glass Ceiling Baby! - You’ve got your eyes set on a big goal, and your chest swells with excitement every time you think of it. You know that it’s gonna take a lot, but you also know that it’s meant for you. Whether you’re pursuing a promotion at work, preparing to talk on stages or taking your biz to the next level you’ve been doing everything you can to align yourself to this growth edge you’re up against. You know you want to create sustainable-soul-level change so that you’ll be ready to receive (and bask in!!) all the blessings that are on the other side of this portal for you. You know it’s crucial to be supported through this growth spurt and you want to make sure you have the support in place for any potential…growing pains. Cause’ you’re about to break through that glass and get tall, real tall.


<aside> 🙅‍♂️ D - F*ck The Formula - You’ve tried evvvveryone else’s formula for how to be a successful coach/healer/creative and you’re frankly sick of the shiny language that gets you to believe “This is it!!” Your waves of optimism have turned into waves of skpetisim and you know that you’ve reached the point where you have to find your own magic sauce — to forge your own path forward. You sense the secrets are inside of you, they always have been. You finally feel ready to venture down this road where the answers you’ve been looking for lie. Your boots are already on, now you just might need a little push.


Whether you’re saying “peace out!” to people pleaser-ville or you’re changing pronouns at the bottom of your email signature…

…it takes guts to make an identity level change in your life. To get curious and playful about what lights you up. To admit to the depth of your dreams and how excited it makes you to pursue them. To celebrate your magic and take ownership of your unique one-of-a-kind awesomeness. To come home to the one person you spend every moment of every day with…YOU. Glorious, incredible, beautiful, stunning, intelligent YOU.